Magnetic Infotech
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Magnetic InfoTech in the fore front of technologies. We recognized the potential of Object Oriented Technologies and introduced Small Talk around 15 years ago in the Indian market. Small Talk became forerunner to Java.

Current Technologies:
Wireless Technologies
Microsoft Technologies
Auto CAD Map
Micro station with Geo-graphics
ArcGIS, Arc View and Arc Info
MapInfo and Vertical Mapper Erdas Imagine
Autodesk MapGuide
ArcIMS and ArcSDE
ICR Technologies
OMR Technologies
The need for GIS in the Indian context is recognized by Government agencies and Industry. Magnetic Info Tech launched its GIS division about one and half years back to provide GIS development and Data services.

Magnetic Info Tech has quickly bagged GIS Survey and Mapping orders along with the Solution/Application Design / Development from clients such as
Muncipal Administration and Town planning
Council for Higher Education
Telecom Service Providers
Utility Service Providers
Spatial Data Creation and Management
Parcel boundary survey
Utility line Survey and customer indexing
Revenue Information Survey
Data Conversion and Processing
Document Referenced data conversion w.r.t Land base
Vector to Grid
Grid to ASCII
Spatial Analytics
Creation and Maintenance of GeoDatabase
Data Migration and Integration
Survey and Mapping
Parcel boundary survey
Utility line Survey and customer indexing
Revenue Information Survey
Mapping Services
Topographic Mapping
Contour Mapping
Automated Mapping / Facilities Management
Parcel Mapping
Thematic Mapping
Land Use and Land Cover
GIS Technical Services
Creation of data model
Application design and development
Application Testing and Quality Assurance
Requirements analysis
Project Management
Data Quality Assurance
Feasibility studies
Process Flow
Implementation and user training
Internet Applications
  Magnetic InfoTech develops and implements internet applications using wide range of open source options to make cost effective environment
Mapping and GIS Solutions
Rural Infrastructure Information System
Rural Infrastructure Mapping
Web-enabled application
Local Priorities Mapping
Plans for improvement of services
Urban Information System
Urban Planning
Municipal GIS
Web-enabled application
Water, Sewer and Drainage
Land Information Systems
Cadastral Survey
Web-enabled application
Data base creation
Telecom RF Planning Data Sets
Data Sets those are suitable for Path Loss
Data Sets those are suitable for TEMS Cell Planer
Our Skill Set
Auto CAD Map
MapInfo and Vertical Mapper
Micro station with Geo-graphics
Erdas Imagine
ArcGIS, Arc View and Arc Info
Visual Basic, VB.Net
Autodesk MapGuide
ArcIMS and ArcSDE
Hand printed characters are created by humans, so understanding and interpreting the patterns of human writing is far more complicated than converting simple machine print, because no two people ever write identical characters. Factors such as mood, environment, or stress all conspire to create variations in character writing, causing individuals to form characters differently each time they write or fill out a form. Variations will even appear within the same word, depending on where a character appears. Also, keep in mind that hand printed characters are never evenly spaced across the page, making it difficult for recognition systems to reliably segment words into their component characters.

Like OCR engines, ICR engines execute recognition character-by-character and start by segmenting words into their component characters. Because ICR technology recognizes separate words or word combinations, such as form fields, letters cannot be written sloppily or stuck together.

People read text by scanning entire words, not individual characters. When a person is not clear about, say, whether a character is a 'U' or a 'V', he or she makes a decision based on context rather than the shape of the character. ICR systems (like the most advanced OCR systems) try to imitate this human approach. They use dictionaries that contain possible field values, facilitating word recognition by combining primary recognition results with alternate choices, and then analyzing available alternatives. While ICR is more robust than OCR in handling human printing, as with OCR engines, dictionaries are employed after the recognition process, not during it. Therefore, if a correct guess was not generated during the character segmentation and recognition process, validation with vocabulary lists does not improve the result. Clearly, business and industry is ready for the next leap in recognition technology that addresses the problems inherent in OCR and ICR technologies.
The diversity of hand printed text does not allow ICR systems to deliver the same overall accuracy as OCR systems that recognize simple machine print. However, as ICR also executes recognition at the character level, the results are meaningful if reported as a percentage of correct characters. ICR includes the added benefit of developing a level of confidence in each character result, where confidence is defined as the ability to report on itself, making a judgment about the accuracy of its recognition. The characters that ICR considers unreliable are sent to human operators for double-checking. ICR does not eliminate human labor but it can reduce it.

ICR is a significant step forward compared to OCR technology. The ability to recognize handprint characters significantly broadens the range of applications that may benefit from an automated ICR solution by saving time and providing accuracy no manual data entry could ever match.
Best performing ICR:
Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) converts hand printed characters to their machine print (ASCII) equivalents, representing a significant step forward in technology when compared to older OCR systems that only read machine print. The ability to recognize handprint significantly broadens the range of applications that benefit from automated ICR solutions, saving time and increasing accuracy to levels not attainable by OCR or human intervention.
ICR software:
ICR software is based on the science of neural networks that behave like the human brain when processing information. Because ICR can handle variations in character shape, the term 'intelligent' is combined with 'character recognition' to describe handprint recognition.
OCR Technology:
OCR Technology - Recognizes only machine print and rejects inputs that contain non-machine print characters. Though most advanced systems are able to recognize multiple fonts (some systems even claim to read any font), they deal only with standard fonts found in mainstream applications, such as Times Roman and Arial. Ultimately, human handwriting is too diverse and unstructured to be recognized by OCR system.
OMR Technologies
OMR scanning system offers the opportunity for automated data entry through the use of an OMR scanner, which captures such raw data and the same, is subsequently converted into a database file through the intelligent use of software developed for the same purpose. It enables faster and accurate data transfer into a pc workstation. It can convert simple pen or pencil marks into usable computer information. Data is quickly scanned directly from the source document and transferred to the pc workstation, reducing key-entry errors and costs while giving you more timely, accurate and quality information. Moreover, data can be the accuracy rate is as high as 99.999%. Captured in any desired format using the OMR.
Benefits of using the OMR technology:
Ease of handling bulk and voluminous data saves enormous time.
Quick data capturing through scanning eliminates the hazards of Manual data entry.
Availability of accurate data.
Ease in collection of wide variety of information.
Flexibility in the reporting formats.
Ease in data storage and retrieval.
Accelerates the overall processing of data.
Variety of uses of O.M.R.:
Application processing
Recruitment examinations & evaluation
Scholarship examinations
Admission tests
Market research
Census operations
Employee surveys / evaluations.
The need for accurate, timely, and cost effective, data collection has never been more critical in any organization. That's why more and more organizations in every solution are turning to Optical Mark Reading (OMR) Technology.

The forms designed and printed as per OMR Scanning requirements will be scanned on OMR machines and the text data will be captured from these machine readable forms thereby the manual key entry of data will be eliminated.